Listen: John Gorka

Loquita and Fiddler up a tree in Valencia


Among the many categories of things needing to be sorted and downsized at our house is a lot of sheet music, from several sources. El Guapo composes and arranges music, and has directed various choirs. And when our kids were younger, our family sang often in folk settings. (It’s about time we got the band back together–we’ll let you know when we’ve set dates for a reunion tour.)

This week El Guapo found a set list for a performance of the family band in 2001, featuring a song we haven’t sung in many years. I’ve got a recording for you here by the man who wrote it, John Gorka. If you’re a singer, I’ll bet you can find a harmony in the chorus and comfortably settle in. If you don’t sing, you might still manage–it’s a welcoming kind of song.


So that’s what John Gorka wants to be when he grows up. What do you want to be?

[Image: El Guapo]

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